Garrison Fewell and Eric Hofbauer Duo “The Transformative Power of Jazz”
The duo will play music from their CNM recording, The Lady of Khartoum
While mostly jazz oriented, the duo plays original and improvised music music based on the evolution of music from India, Persia, Afghanistan, Africa, Delta Blues, with compositions by African American jazz composer Thelonious Monk and Afro-Danish composer John Tchicai. The duo’s music fits the cultural and educational mission of the West End Museum and the early history of African Americans in Boston as documented by the exhibits.
In our presentation, we discuss the significance of improvisation in the development of American music and culture and its’ roots in jazz and blues. This touches on world music influences as many world cultures have valued improvisation as much as composition.
We play percussion and guitar simultaneously, using items from around the world such as African and Asian drum sticks, Indian and Moroccan bells, Afghan jewelry, violin bows and metal box slides.
The concert will open with a brief history of the origins and spirit of jazz shared by Eric Hofbauer, Professor of Jazz History at Emerson College while Garrison Fewell, Professor of Guitar at Berklee, will illustrate the spiritual relevance of improvisation in jazz. There is an opportunity for the audience to ask questions during the performance, something which always stirs the imagination and promotes dialogue. It is a show for all ages.
Saturday Sept. 29th at 7:00pm
West End Museum 150 Staniford St., Boston
$10 for non members
617 723 2125 for more info and tickets